Saturday, October 16, 2010

To My Husband


Six years ago today I married you on a beautiful day in front of all of our family and friends. I could not contain the butterflies I felt until I finally saw you and it was as if the whole world disappeared. I cannot remember what are color theme was or the decorations we had but I can remember getting ready with all the girls, walking down the stairs to meet my father, the 3 1/2 inch heels that I just had to have, but most of all the moment when Brother Joseph announced us husband and wife.

Our first dance

The next few years it was just us and we had so much fun. I loved the nights when we would stay up all night talking about everything under the sun. We went on vacations together and with your family. I fell more in love with your family over the years as well and got to know just how incredible each of them are. My family instantly loved you and probably thought you were crazy for putting up with me. I did not think it could get any better.

Until we had two beautiful boys together. I did not know my heart could get any bigger with love for all three of you. I loved watching you hold them, love on them and be protective of them. I could not have chosen a better father for my babies. Maddox has your kindness and Emmett has your ability to smile all the time no matter what. I see so much of you in them and it gives me so much joy. 

Matt and Emmett

Matt and Maddox

I have loved the past six years with you and can't wait for the years to come. I love you with all of my heart.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Do you ever have those days that just make you want to crawl back into bed and stay there? Today was one of those days. I did not wake up in a bad mood but it really wasn't a great mood either. Let me go through the incidents that made my day go down the drainer.

I cut my hair off yesterday and it is shorter than I am used to. Strike 1.
Then I let some comments get to me today and if it had been any other day I would have no problem but it had to be today. Strike 2.
Last, my plate is overloaded with different stuff and I feel like I am not spending enough time with my babies. Strike 3.

After wallowing in self pity for the day I decided that I do not have it as bad as others. I have a sweet and caring husband who spoils me rotten (Yes Cynthia I agree with you 100%). I have two healthy, rambunctious, and fun-loving boys who just make my heart melt the instant I see them. I have a loving family who is always there for me and who loves me for who I am. God really has blessed me and I am so thankful for that. Okay. I am done rambling,

Everyone have a good night.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

NICU Reunion

I thought I would start my blogging off and talk about our family trip to the NICU reunion in Temple, Texas. It was a first for Scott & White to put on for all of their NICU graduates. We packed up all of the items that we needed. 
Stroller - Check. 
Cups - Check. 
Mr. Snuffleupagus - Check.
Emmett sleeping on the way up to Temple.

The boys took their naps on the way up there but Maddox was pretty excited.

The reunion was held at the Temple Railroad and Heritage Museum. They had a petting zoo, inflatables and most importantly...trains.

Maddox & Emmett sitting on a train wheel

We did not get to see our old doctors, Dr. Guo and Dr. Crisp, but it was still a fun trip for the family. They also put pictures of the NICU graduates on the wall so you could see the Then & Now. It was interesting to walk around and know that everyone there had one thing in common. We all survived having our child/children in the NICU. When I saw Maddox's picture up there with all the rest I just felt blessed that I have him here and he is healthy. It is amazing to think when I first saw him he looked like this.

God has really blessed me with a family that I only could have imagined in my dreams. They are everything that I was looking for. The day bought back some memories but overall I had fun watching my boys.