Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Do you ever have those days that just make you want to crawl back into bed and stay there? Today was one of those days. I did not wake up in a bad mood but it really wasn't a great mood either. Let me go through the incidents that made my day go down the drainer.

I cut my hair off yesterday and it is shorter than I am used to. Strike 1.
Then I let some comments get to me today and if it had been any other day I would have no problem but it had to be today. Strike 2.
Last, my plate is overloaded with different stuff and I feel like I am not spending enough time with my babies. Strike 3.

After wallowing in self pity for the day I decided that I do not have it as bad as others. I have a sweet and caring husband who spoils me rotten (Yes Cynthia I agree with you 100%). I have two healthy, rambunctious, and fun-loving boys who just make my heart melt the instant I see them. I have a loving family who is always there for me and who loves me for who I am. God really has blessed me and I am so thankful for that. Okay. I am done rambling,

Everyone have a good night.

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